9"by 12" water color on paper by Padmaja I have always admired the way my dad was close to his four brothers. They were more like friends. So thought of doing this for that pleasant memory. I have tried some glazes here.
An old work of mine.My son bent down to tie his shoelaces while on vacation in Pune.The month was December and the earth was rocky brown..it looked beautiful. I captured this moment and later re-created it in watercolors. Watercolor painting, sized 7"x5" Available for sale, you cant contact me at arti_anim@yahoo.com To see my other works, click at this link
Today I was going through my sketchbook and I paused at this palm size sketch. Some months back I was sitting in an auditorium. She was sitting few rows ahead. During an interval I began to draw her..... but at next glance, she was not there and the sketch remained in complete.
But now, I feel, I have caught the essence of the character. What your views are ?
This watercolour was done with an intention to achieve a bold and loose effect. I wish I had used a bit of variation in the large piece of foliage on the left. But I am still satisfied with the overall result. Please do give your comments and suggestions.
I find great inspiration in the works of David Taylor. He paints with such a lovely loose and bold style. Unfortunately, I am not being able to put a link to one of his pages here, but I urge everyone who hasn't come across his work to search it on the net. You surely wont be disappointed.
You can see my other works here.
After a long monsoon stretch, yesterday morning was a mild sunny morning and was encouraging to paint something. This is the result. An another cool corner !
Today we were at Sinhagad fort near Pune. While going towards the fort I got an opportunity to paint this water color landscape. It was a very cool and nice place surrounded by rain water. I hope you will also like the place/painting ! --- Size is 11.5 " x 8.5 "
Rupesh is the newest member to our family at AOI.A teacher by profession, his interest lies in watercolors and sketching.Lets welcome Rupesh.Take a look at his work here.
This one is a purely watercolor painting ! Its of Nandi temple at Mahuli near Satara. Strictly speaking you may find it an incomplete one, as I was earlier. Because of the rain I had to pack up suddenly thinking that , later on I will complete it at home. But then I thought, I may loose certain natural happenings even I touch it ! Tell me your opinion. The size is 10"x14".
Sleeping Baby, Water Color Painting, 16 Inch X 19 Inch
Thank you to all for liking my earlier posted texture based Oil painting. Today I am posting one my favorite water color painting which I completed early last year. This painting is available in golden wooden frame with glass. Please share your comments and feedback.