Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Water color on paper by Ramesh Jhawar..Cows are integral part of India.You can see them in every landscape here be it a village or a city.They are worshipped, regarded as 'mother' in our culture.


  1. Oh...before I actually read what you wrote I thought, "Ah Arti's doing a different style/technique. The artist did a beautiful job and I'm so glad to have found this blog.

    Can't wait to see more and more!

    I love the style of this.

  2. one more comment on this. The cow with the orangier face. This cow has a secret for happiness. Kind of a "listen closely, watch my movements, and I'll show you how to be happy with where you are planted, so to speak.

    Much feeling to me in this painting. Oh yes, no wonder, just read they are considered as "mother" in the culture..

    and what a mother she is

  3. Thanks for appreciation, Sandy.Ramesh is a very talented youngman.And you are very right, the painting has a lot of feeling.
    BTW I hope you like 'Kenzie' that I posted today!

  4. Oh yes Arti, I adore it! Thanks so much.

  5. Such lovely paintings...glad to have found this blog.
